

Air Conditioning Cooling Capacity Calculations BTU

Air Conditioning Cooling Capacity Calculations BTU

Cooling capacity for a room is defined as the heat load in a room that has to be removed in order to achieve a certain room temperature and humidity. The typical design is set to 24°C temperature and 55% Relative Humidity. Study shows that this combination of temperature and RH is the most conducive for the human body. The unit used to measure heat load is BTU/hr. 1 BTU/hr is the heat energy needed to increase 1 pound of water by 1°F.

When choosing an air conditioner, usually, a unit of HP (Horse Power) equipment is capable to remove 9,000 BTU/hr of heat. With better technology, some machines are able to remove 10,000 BTU/hr of heat with the same capacity. The higher is the listed BTU/hr on the equipments, the greater the cooling capacity.

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